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PayPal Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: PYPL) Faces Growth Questions Amid Market Fluctuations and Strategic Shifts

PayPal Holdings Inc. navigates a period of uncertainty with its stock experiencing fluctuations amidst broader market conditions. Analysts express concerns over PayPal’s future earnings growth, emphasizing the need for a clearer growth trajectory and the realization of benefits from recent investments. Despite challenges, PayPal’s global presence and ongoing strategic investments underscore its potential as a … Continue reading “PayPal Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: PYPL) Faces Growth Questions Amid Market Fluctuations and Strategic Shifts”


CurrencyNewsBreaks – Cboe Canada Collaborates to Launch New AGF ETF Series

Cboe Canada has announced the return of AGF Investments Inc. with the launch of ETF series of AGF Global Real Assets Fund (NEO: AGLR), AGF Total Return Bond Fund (NEO: ATRB) and AGF U.S. Small-Mid Cap Fund (NEO: ASMD) (the “AGF ETF Series”). The three new AGF ETF Series join seven AGF EFTs already listed on … Continue reading “CurrencyNewsBreaks – Cboe Canada Collaborates to Launch New AGF ETF Series”

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